Royal Enfield motorcycles for sale in the U.S.

This page lists Royal Enfield motorcycles for sale in the United States. I have no connection to the sellers and can not vouch for them. Click on links under the photos to reach the sellers. For me, email

Ever wonder how they think YOU look?

India Automotive reported that Harley-Davidson is considering opening motorcycle stores in India in 2009. The big, thirsty Harleys would be subject to high import duties and so would appeal only to "well heeled" customers, the story said.

It was the illustration that made me laugh. A chunky, bearded rider on a fat Harley-Davidson cruises with a passenger, a woman whose bra strap is not so artfully on display. This is the image Harley-Davidson has in India, apparently. Not surprising. Most Americans probably have the same mental picture when the brand is mentioned.

Riding my Royal Enfield Bullet in the United States I occasionally get a reaction that stereotypes India. Recently, in a parking lot, a big American admired my motorcycle and I explained it was built in India. He did a convincing imitation of a sing-song Indian accent in praise of my Bullet. He meant no disrespect: he had learned it from Indian co-workers who probably find him amusing.

Still, it's always a bit odd to see or hear how other people think of you. The big Harley-Davidson is the motorcycle of America and Americans have a weight problem. So I can't really complain about the picture.

Except for one thing: In India, Harley-Davidsons would be ridden by Indians. That gives you another picture entirely. No visible bra straps, at least.

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